Photography covers a wide array of subject matter, and then many subcategories of those. I am a portrait photographer, that is I photograph people. I admire and love landscapes, commerical and the many other arenas photographers choose to photograph. However, I need human interactions to be inspired.
Now to muddy the waters even more, there are many subcategories of portraiture. Some photographers specialize in newborn photography, family photography, high school seniors, weddings, etc. However, it appears in talking with other professional photographers, the least populated field of portrait photographers is children. When I tell other photographers that I, like many of them, photograph all portraiture but specialize in children and families, I often get in return that look for pity. Some of my closer photographer friends will even verbalize what I expect all those that give me that look of pity are thinking....which is....... ARE YOU CRAZY?!?!?!??! They say, kid's are often difficult to control, to pose, to sit still long enough to capture a print worthy photograph. They create messes in their britches, on their shirts, and if you get close enough, on the photographer! They are noisy little creatures, emitting sounds that sometimes sound nearly unhuman. They are quirky, often doing their own thing regardless of your needs or wants. They have amazingly short attention spans. And..... they remind me.... did I mention they make messes?! My answer is yes, you are correct in all of your points.... but so what?! I haven't had one child make a mess bigger than I can clean up. I quite love that they are not posable creatures, but rather do their own thing. It is more of a challenge artistically, but truly quite fun! Their noises do not bother me, most of the time. When they do, it's nothing a little Tylenol won't fix:) Yes, they have short attention spans, but heck, I do too. It makes us work well together, as neither of us will get bored. I like their quirks, and ability to express themselves regardless of the camera in their face. It allows me to capture their true, unique, and wonderful personality. And, I add, one other bonus. They don't seem to mind my singing. Every other adult I know that has ever been subjected to my vocal ability (or lack there of) has not been so accepting. They think that I sing the 'Wheels on the Bus' wonderfully!
So go ahead, call me crazy! But let me show you the results of this craziness..... I think you will be jealous at all the fun I actually have:)
This beautiful princess is Danika! She is spunky, lively, entertaining, and such a ball of fun to photograph. I would say that she comes to life in front of the camera, but that wouldn't be true. She is full of life all the time. She just knew I wanted photographs of her being fabulous, and she was right. Here are the results!
She said, "I know you want to take a picture of my beautiful eyes"! And of course, I did!

Now Miss Danika has quite a range of dramatic emotions. Here is her sweet and sensitive side.

Then we finished up with the beautiful self posed portrait!

But the dramatic expressions are not limited to just the girls. Let me introduce you to Oz, just three months old during this session. I will be honest, most babies are basically happy little creatures, as long as they are fed, dry and loved. However, Oz is absolutely the happiest little guy I have ever met. He smiles constantly, and even at three months old, captivates you with his variety of facial (which often ended up encompassing his entire body) expressions.
Just looking at these photos brings a smile to my face!

I had to shoot quick, because his face is in constant motion and the cuteness is never-ending!
Then finally, we finish us with the grand finale..... The serious (or as much as this happy little guy can get) portrait.

We often do a combination of studio and outdoor photography sessions. Little Miss Addison made the most of both of them!

Usually when we are photographing children, we will use a 'eye catcher'. In this case, it was a piglet hand puppet. As with most items we use, the interest is quickly lost. So my lovely assistant set down Mr. Piggy and we continued on with the session. It wasn't too long before Addison had to investigate Mr. Piggy firsthand!

I could go on, and on, and on about all the entertaining experiences I have had as a child and family photographer. However, as a child photographer, I remember that attention spans are short, and interest wanes quickly. That said, I will close with little Jackson, photographed just last week here in studio. He was fast, curious, sweet and so very entertaining. Our sessions with little ones are usually relatively short, as that is the way most require. However, with little Jackson we went thirty minutes over before we even noticed the time. Even then, he was still happy and giving me lots to capture.

We were having so much fun, that Sandy (our studio poodle) had to join the fun! Jackson loved it!
We had to be quick because, although he was not yet walking, he could crawl as fast Flash Gordon!

But of course, he was a mannerable young man, and remembered to say goodbye before leaving.

So, go ahead, call me crazy! But photographing children, with all their smells, smiles, screams, and giggles is a constant source of joy and wonder for me. I guess it's better to be the crazy kid lady, than the crazy cat lady, right?!
Thank you to all of the Mom's and Dad's who entrust me to capture these fleeting and precious moments in their child's life! I am truly blessed to do what I love, and love what I do!
And.... if you really want a laugh, call me up and have me sing 'The Wheels on the Bus'.
Nancy Jo Photography
Located in beautiful downtown Wake Forest
We specialize in children, family, wedding and high school senior portraiture