Boudoir! Why not?!
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Tuesday, January 13, 2015
By Nancy Jo Lee
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One of the things I love best about photographing, is the vast variety of people I photograph and their reasons for wanting to be photographed.


 Now generally, no one is embarrassed or uneasy discussing their corporate headshot session, or their family session.  However, when we get to boudoir photography cheeks redden and voices get hushed.  While I certainly understand the fact that one would assume a boudoir session is a touch embarrassing and uncomfortable, I don't understand our weariness to celebrate a side of ourselves that each woman has.  That side that is sexy, feminine, and beautiful!  

Usually, at this point, we say 'well if I lose ten pounds I would', or 'I would need to go shopping to find something that would cover up my muffin top', or 'if I were ten years younger I would'.  Well, I hate to say it ladies, but most of us are not going to lose those ten pounds anytime soon, and we cannot turn back the clock on our age.  The shopping part I am in agreement with, but it doesn't need to be a whole body wrap!  The bottom line is, our husbands love us the way we are!  I know, as a woman, we logically know that but still think he sees the extra tens pounds and thinks 'if only she would lose it'.  When in reality, usually they are saying 'if only she would shut up about those ten pounds and see that she's gorgeous!'.  


So, why boudoir?  I say, why not?!  We spend so much time feeling that we fall short in some way.  Isn't it about time to just simply celebrate YOU!  We all are beautiful in our own way, and usually your husband tells you what he loves best.  Maybe your eyes, your butt, your girls on top, or your amazing legs.  Whatever it is, it's time to highlight those babies and give them some time to shine!  

What is boudoir?  It is photo session that takes place in the privacy of our studio, with just us girls.  You bring a collection of items to wear that you love.  It may be a teddy, a nightgown, a bra & panty set, your hubby's dress shirt or uniform top, a sexy dress.... you name it and we'll make it work!  Usually ladies choose their attire based upon the receipent's (usually hubby) likes, desires and favorites.  One lady brought her husband's guitar and we have a fantastic time incorporating that into her portraits!  Prior to our session, you and I will review your clothing and accessories and I will make suggestions on backdrops and style for each.  We then turn on some music, show you to the dressing room, and pour you a glass of wine, water or soft drink.  


I will be honest, usually the first ten or fifteen minutes is a bit uncomfortable for my subjects.  After all, you are in your undies with a woman you most likely just met.  However, as with us ladies, we quickly form a bond and get into a groove and the remainder of your session flies by without you even realizing it!  At the end, EVERY SINGLE LADY I have photographed has said that they had a lot more fun than they expected, that it wasn't nearly as nervewrecking as they anticipated, and that they left feeling sexy and confident.  

After about a week, you will come in to view your images..... and you will be delighted!!!!  Through professional lighting, posing techniques and retouching, I minimize the areas of concern and emphasize the areas that you (and hubby) love!   Once you have selected your images and products, I will retouch all per your desires and allow you to proof prior to completing your order.  So you see, YOU are in complete control of what your hubby will see!  


Ladies, very few of my clients are their perfect size.  Most have flaws they can't stand.  Most are insecure about a boudoir session.  However, ALL my clients haved LOVED their boudoir session & their photos!  If you would like to talk to a previous client, please don't hesitate to let me know.  I will be happy to put you in touch with one of them.

Isn't it time we stop criticizing ourselves and start celebrating our own beautiful and unique self?! 


We are currently running a special for Valentine's Day.... Jan. 14-Feb. 14th only!

Includes an hour boudoir session & your choice of ten digital images professionally retouched on CD with full print release!
Just $200 plus tax!  A savings of $150

In addition, Anita Moss of Who Does Your Hair? Salon is available for professional airbrush make up and hair styling for just $100 additional.  She will do so at her salon, or here in studio.

Book today!  Spots for this special fills up fast!

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