In today's age of instant gratification, daily deals, and automated technology, it's sometimes a challenge to explain why you still need a professional photographer!
First, let me just say that I am not being critical of any photographer, no matter where they are on the pathway of their art!
So.... why a choose a professional photographer?
We know how to light! Whether it's in studio, or outdoors, we understand lighting, exposure and positioning to light our subjects in the most complimentary way. That's why we pay all that money for those expensive lights! Many pros, such as myself, use off camera lighting even outdoors. It fills in the shadows and helps even out exposure so that both the subjects and the background has appropriate lighting.

Second, we know how to pose. Most people are uncomfortable, to some extent, in front of the camera. While most people do not desire the stiff posing of the 19th century, most need and want direction on 'what to do with your hands?', 'smile or no smile?', 'should I look at you?'. A pro isn't just hoping 'to get the shot', they are going to get it and quite a few others! They do this by knowing posing, whether it's a high school senior looking for stylish and contemporary photos, or a newborn fulfilling Mom's desire of the 'sleepy baby pose', or the family looking for a 'fun and casual' collection. We do this everyday, and have lots of perfect poses in our arsenal.

Third, we have the goods! When I teach classes to amateurs and aspiring photographers, I always tell them not to spend enromous amounts of money on equipment until they either outgrow their current equipment or until their photography has paid for the upgrade! However, clients should expect that the photographer they choose to create their timeless portraits will be using the equipment necessary to do so. I invest my money into equipment, because this is what I do for a living. My clients not only should expect this, but should demand it. In my camera bag alone, I carry about $10,000 in equipment. I have a full service studio, with a five light system and two set areas, and have two complete mobile studio set-ups. I don't even want to begin to estimate the cost of doing so.... and wouldn't tell if I did.... my hubby reads this and would probably have something to say the next time I told him I bought a new piece:) The point is this.... professional portraiture costs more because it costs more to make!

Next, and really a carry on from the above, many professional photographers have commercial locations.... and that brick and mortar store front isn't cheap. While I have had, and enjoyed, a home based studio, I find that clients are more comfortable in a commercial location. I believe it's for two reasons. First, if we are not acquaintances, they are more comfortable coming into my storefront studio than they are coming into my home based studio, no matter how 'studio like' I made it appear. Secondly, there is a perception that it's more legitimate. In some instances that may not be true, but it's an important element for client comfort.

Lastly, but just as important (if not more so), is that professional photographers provide professional products! I do offer CD images, but encourage professional printing of your portraits. I use a combination of five professional labs to create my product line. All of my labs do business only with professional photographers, not consumers. In addition, they require a sales tax ID in order to utilize them. All of this to say that my products are not available to the girl next door who takes pictures sometimes. I shop long and hard for the best products. They are not cheap, I admit. However, my goal is not to create 'cheap' portraits, but rather it is to create timeless and classic portraits for you to cherish for a lifetime. When a person uses a photographer that just provides CD images, more often than not, that CD is put in a drawer and few if any portraits are printed from it. Clients come to me for portraits. I believe they should leave with portraits!

(Pictured above are three portraits we created for this family. They enjoy them everyday! Photo credit to Cydne Sharpe.)
There are many more reasons, like education, experience, and community involvement that I believe are important in choosing a photographer. Whichever elements are important to you, please take the time to ensure that the photographer you choose is able and willing to create the experience and the portraits you desire.
The saying goes... "You get what you pay for".... and that is so true in choosing a photographer, just as it is with almost everything in life. If you want a filet, you go to Ruth Chris Steakhouse, The Angus Barn or another higher end steakhouse. If you go to McDonald's or Cracker Barrel expecting a filet, you will be disappointed. I am not saying McDonald's or Cracker Barrel is bad... in fact I love them both. However, if I decide I want filet.... I'm going to a filet specialist!
Whether Nancy Jo Photography is your professional photographer choice, or another, I hope this has helped you in choosing a professional that is able and willing to provide you with portraits that you will enjoy for a lifetime!